What if we could upgrade your Abundant Blueprint so that you could create a new viewpoint on money both keeping it and allowing more cash flow to come to you with ease and grace.
Many of my clients have had the belief system that they can only have a success in one area of life, everything is compartmentalized. What if I could show you a way that you can have it all and thread great success in all areas of your life?
As women we have the power to co-create sustainable businesses. When we understand and build a healthy relationship with money, imagine how different our world can be!
Would you like to step boldly and powerfully into your rightful place as The Abundant CEO of your life and business?
The more you tune into your body, the more freedom you will have in all areas of your life.
You are invited to an Intimate and Experiential Day Retreat

Together we will take a deep dive into the 3 essential pillars to heal your abundant blueprint, build more prosperity and abundance in your life and business that our survival system or Roots system to help shine the spotlight on the connections to your physical wellness and business prosperity that when balanced create vibrational harmony in our business and bodies.
Once you embody it, you can powerfully AIM for the bullseye that will open up the flow of abundance that is waiting for you.
During our time together we will:
- Crack your money code and uncover your sacred money contracts that are keeping you stuck
- Develop a healthy relationship with money so that you confidently make empowered decisions for your life and business going forward
- Get you out of your head and connect into your heart so that you are grounded into abundance
- Create a deep connection with your inner knowing for clarity in your life and business.
- Remove energetic blocks to reset your abundant blueprint and catapult your success through a group healing
- Activate the resonance and your souls frequency to call in abundance
- Two people will get the unique opportunity to be in the “Sacred Seat” with Dixie to take a deeper dive and see what your body has for you that you may not even be aware of.
- Open up your receiving channels so that you embody the learnings
- Experience a group Soul Walk on the sacred land of Spiritwood Labyrinth spiraling into your center releasing tolerations and what no longer serves you and receiving answers toward the next easy step forward
- Learn tools to become a manifesting magnet
- Embody your big bold dream with confidence and ownership so that you can AIM high and create with forward vision!

Imagine waking up every morning with that tingly excited feeling!
You're no longer worried about the bills and the mortgage, you're not held back by the “I don't have enough” mentality.
You start experiencing serendipitous moments in your everyday life like never before, like finding a surprise check in the mail or meeting clients everywhere you go.
Transform yourself into a catalyst for positive change by inspiring others with your success and abundance, and having the financial means to support your favorite charities and spark social movements in your community.
Our Agenda:
9:30 Registration - Coffee/Tea and Morning Snack will be provided
10:00 Opening Circle/Facilitation
11:30 Break
11:40 Facilitation
1:00 Nurturing Lunch - Included
1:45 Facilitation
3:00 Break - Afternoon Snack will be provided
3:10 Facilitation
4:30 Closing Circle
Spiritwood Retreat Center – Priddis
Map and details on website – we can use some of the photos and when we get the page up, she will share the link on her site too!
About Your Host

Dixie Bennett is a global change agent on a mission to empower 1 Million women healers and leaders having had 3 near-death experiences that lead her into the healing arts, Dixie left her corporate career in sales and marketing to create a successful Transformational Treatment Center called Stillpoint Bodyworks, a centre for wellness and empowerment. Blending energy, bodywork and coaching, she guides women to overcome pain and emotional blocks so they are freed to make their impact in the world and create joyful abundance while transforming lives.
When working with Dixie, she can see the unseen threads (your experience) woven together that create the physical experience of your life. Overtime when these issues have not been dealt with they can cause issues in your tissues, which can lead to dis-ease or critical illness. Dixie helps you get to the CORE of your pain, find your VOICE, stand in your POWER and helps you realize that you can CREATE whatever is to happen next, opportunities are LIMITLESS and you can live a MAGICAL life. Your abundant life is waiting for you to claim it!
Dixie lives in Calgary, Alberta Canada where she has a full-time successful practice as well as an Abundant CEO & Founder of Stillpoint Bodyworks. She is an award-winning entrepreneur, two time best-selling international author, speaker, mentor and teacher and musician. She loves nature, giving a heart-felt hug, connecting with friends and family, traveling the world, expanding her spirituality and personal development. You can also find her performing 7 bass in a local steel drum band called Calysto Steelband.
What should I bring?
Here are some things you may want to consider bringing:
- Wear comfortable clothing for indoors
- Dress according to the weather as we will be outside for an hour or so in the afternoon.
- A notebook or favorite journal & pen
- Capped water bottle
- Please do not wear perfume
Is there any preparation I need to do before going?
Yes upon registration please look for an email with an assessment. Please do this prior to arriving. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive without feeling stressed or rushed. Be open to new experiences, new friendships, and new ideas to help you create an amazing, loving and transformative experience.
What is the refund policy?
There will be no refunds as your space is created for you and there are costs incurred to having your seat secured. I understand that emergencies do happen and you are unable to come, please gift your ticket to someone who can fill your spot or contact me right away in writing at dixie@dixiebennett.ca and we can discuss.