Reiki Share & Mentorship Program

  • Start: November 30, 2016 6:30 pm
  • End: November 30, 2016 8:00 pm

Drop In Cost: $30/person

Ready to deepen your understanding and connection to Reiki?
Want to become even more masterful at this healing art and with your own energy?
Want practical tools that help you create a profitable business while helping others?
A wholistic program that combines deeper understanding, enhanced wisdom and tangible tools.
This is for all Reiki levels, professionals, lineages, or those who took training but need a refresher and want to become masterful with their own energy and in helping others.

What will be covered in this monthly training?
Spiritual Tool Box:

Guided meditations, visualization techniques for you and your clients
Working with crystals & essential oils
Clearing energy leaks and safely releasing cords
How to heal holes and tears in the aura
Connecting to and working with your spiritual guides and angels
Performing home and space clearings
Enhanced Wisdom & Personal Mastery:

Deepening your understanding of the chakras and ailments
Working with palliative care and transition
Deepening your intuition and understanding the 4 Clairs: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Claircognizance.
Practicing Presence and Non-Judgment
Working through forgiveness and letting go
Solid Business Fundamentals:

Developing your Reiki professional practice & business
How to speak about Reiki and communicate effectively
Set up your office to bring in abundance
Business Development
The Inner and Outer Work
Getting your-self out there and gaining clients
Classes will be held once a month from 6:30pm-8:00pm register on our Meet-up Page for current dates.

**Note** You can join at any time as this program is ongoing.