In my last blog, I started looking at how trauma and stress can show up physically in the body and how it relates to our nervous system, specifically our Autonomic Nervous System, or ANS. Our ANS branches into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems and it is the SNS, known as our ‘flight or fight’, […]

Inspired Women Gathering Show features Dixie Bennett as your host with women leaders and entrepreneurs around the world from the solopreneur to those building empires where we get real about sharing the experiences that make these women resilient. We dive into all things from living with illness, chronic pain, life obstacles and transitions to relationships, spirituality, business and everything in between. Women are so inspiring living through their stories, walking their talk, finding abundance and soul-filling purpose they can’t wait to share.
These episodes are jam packed with life lessons, teachings, mindset and business tips that inspire you to keep going or to get started! Grab your note book and settle in with your favorite beverage as you soak in these sessions.
Season 1 with 37 Episodes is available now. Stay tuned for Season 2 coming soon.
Would you like to be a guest on the show?
You are a women who is thriving in her purpose.
You have a powerful story of overcoming that has lead you into the work you share in the world.
You are passionate about creating change in the world.
You have a powerful message you can't wait to share to help inspire others.
Trauma’s Relationship with the Physical Body
I recently took part in a workshop exploring Trauma Informed Yoga and spent a few days learning how to look at trauma from a Yogic perspective to support a person’s experience and healing journey. Learning about how to use the body as a tool, whether through movement or grounding, to assist in helping someone who […]
The Tween Years: Supporting Emotional and Physical Stress that Comes with School Transitions
The Tween Years: Supporting Emotional and Physical Stress that Comes with School Transitions It’s now already June and for kids that means that another school year will be coming to an end in a few weeks. As someone who also teaches, I can see that students are gearing for summer, especially with the amazing weather […]