Praise for Stillpoint Bodyworks
There is nothing more gratifying then to see you move through your transformation.
Sharing in stories is a powerful gift.
In gratitude.
Thank you Dixie, for an ever-deepening, heart-felt and profound journey! It was life changing for me!
I attended Dixie's 'Body Wisdom For Business Growth - Awaken to Abundance' retreat on Monday November 6 2017.
I found Dixie to be a knowlegable and intuitive leader. She was gently honest and deeply caring when it came to pointing out a challenge we were facing in the moment, but she brilliantly and beautifully navigated us through it until we emotionally transitioned. She then acknowledged and celebrated this awakening with us.
I really loved learning the money archetypes! Much of it was spot on and gave us an eye opening view into how we see and handle our money in our lives. Dixie shared some of her own experiences and shifts of awareness around her archetypes so we could see how to continue to learn from them and further our own growth. It was invaluable!
My favourite part, though, was the 'I AM Money' visualization exercise. There were so many AHA's for me as we continued through the questions. I was able to see a life story come out of it and new and exciting possibilities and strategies to move forward with.
The entire day was threaded with the constant and continuing theme 'The Future Is In Me, Here and Now'. I could not be more appreciative of that theme as I take it to heart and soul with the knowledge that came out of the discussion around that. The day was packed full of delightful twists, turns and surprises, as we explored one layer of knowing after another. It was indeed Magickal! Thank you Dixie, for an ever-deepening, heart-felt and profound journey! It was life changing for me!
I would heartily recommend that taking ANY of Dixie's courses will find you more aware, inspired, and self-lovingly and powerfully transformed.
~ Rev. Sheryl M. Hinds, Abundant CEO and Spiritual Alchemist
As we embarked on the journey of my entering the entrepreneurial world, we uncovered several hidden stories I carried of unworthiness, lost confidence and fear. Dixie helped me realize that what I was feeling was completely normal and reversible. She explained how I was struggling with negative energy blocks. Dixie utilized modalities such as Cranial Sacral, Bowen Therapy, Power in the Pause, and so much more to enhance my healing which I found astonishing, exhausting and restorative.
~ Cindy Bleyenberg-McCrea RN

I am living with more clarity, calm and connection.
Dixie Bennett entered my life at a time when I was feeling lost, stuck, miserable and without direction.
It was unsettling to feel ungrateful for all the blessings I have in my life. As a woman in my 50’s, with a career, married to a supportive man for over 20 years, and having raised 2 amazing daughters, I couldn’t figure out what is wrong with me?
As fate would have it, I was blessed to speak with Dixie at a workshop for women entrepreneurs. It was a time I was toying with the idea of starting a business.
It was Dixie’s warm demeanor and business coaching knowledge that drew me to work with her. She shared her story of leaving the corporate world to follow her passion to be an entrepreneur. Now that takes guts!
As we embarked on the journey of my entering the entrepreneurial world, we uncovered several hidden stories I carried of unworthiness, lost confidence and fear. Dixie helped me realize that what I was feeling was completely normal and reversible. She explained how I was struggling with negative energy blocks. Dixie utilized modalities such as Cranial Sacral, Bowen Therapy, Power in the Pause, and so much more to enhance my healing which I found astonishing, exhausting and restorative.
I am grateful for opportunity to work with Dixie, as I am living with more clarity, calm and connection. I have found the confidence to leave a job that no longer serves me after 9 years and I am stepping into the world as a business woman in the arts of energy healing.
Working with Dixie has exceeded my expectations of growth and transformation. Dixie always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Little did I know what a gem I found in Dixie and what a privilege it has been to work with her.
If you have the opportunity to work with this gifted woman, I whole heartedly encourage you to say "YES". You will transform in ways you never could imagine.
With much gratitude and love to you Dixie Bennett.
Thank you from the depths of my heart!
l. I am eternally grateful for having done this program!
~ Cindy Bleyenberg-McCrea RN
Finished up my 6 months spiritual coaching and body work package with Dixie Bennett from Stillpoint Bodyworks. I came to Dixie feeling personally and professionally uninspired as well as physically exhausted to the point where I wanted to lay on my couch 6 hours a day. And now, my energy is buoyant and my business is flourishing. I credit the combination of emotional, spiritual and physical work Dixie is gifted at marrying so magically. The last bit Dixie also helped me with was to find a balance between my business and family's demands on my time. I can see a true integration emerging after a life-long push-pull. I am eternally grateful for having done this program!
~ Tammy Plunkett, Your Story Starts Here
I came to Dixie feeling personally and professionally uninspired
Dixie is a miracle worker
I first sought out Dixie’s services for issues I had from some dental work. At my initial consultation she created a very comfortable and none judgmental atmosphere. I soon learned that Dixie’s guiding spirit and competent ability to apply her intuitive healing, she worked with me on several physical issues at a much deeper level of healing than I realized was possible…….AND with very positive results.
~ Cheryl Talbot, Calgary
I have not felt this wonderful in years!
comfortable and non judgmental atmosphere
I have been seeing Dixie at Stillpoint Bodyworks for 10 months now. I initially started seeing Dixie for past injuries I had sustained to my knee and ankle. Because of these injuries I was unable to stand for long periods of time without pain in my knees and ankles. I must say I was a little apprehensive that Bowen would work.
On my first visit Dixie took the time to ask many questions about my lifestyle, level of activity and my aches and pains. She fully described what treatment I would be best suited for and answered all the questions I had. After several visits focusing primarily on my legs, I was able to stand and walk for longer periods of time without any pain or discomfort. Since then we have started to move into other areas of my body that require attention. The Bowen treatment on my respiratory issues has worked wonders on my breathing. I leave feeling less congested and able to breathe freely.
Dixie has created a welcoming & open place to visit; she is never rushing to get through the appointment and always takes time at the beginning of an appointment to review things since your last appointment, allowing her to focus on any problem areas that may require her attention. Dixie just always seems to tune into my body to know exactly what needs attention.
I continue to visit Dixie at Stillpoint Bodyworks not only to help with the discomfort I feel in my lower joints and tension in my back, but the relaxation and weight I feel has lifted after each visit. I recommend Dixie to anyone dealing with reoccurring joint or muscle pain, as I can say I am now a believer in Bowen & Dixie.
~ Jennifer Young, Calgary
I can say I am now a believer in Bowen & Dixie.
It’s easy to pinpoint ‘ah-ha’ moments with Dixie because they have been so profound, even the little ones.
It’s easy to pinpoint ‘ah-ha’ moments with Dixie because they have been so profound, even the little ones.
When I first started seeing Dixie, I wanted some physical relief from what I thought was due to physical strain and I received that and much more: awareness, emotional and spiritual enlightenment, and an inner strength I never knew I had.
After working through several emotional layers, I realized a couple of paths I wanted to travel, one being a transition into retirement. I wasn’t sure I could actually have what I wanted. After a particularly enlightening session with Dixie, I found my ‘voice’. In a gentle but straight-forward way I was able to ask for exactly what I wanted and was pleasantly surprised that my plans were met with openness and even suggestions by my employer how to reach my goal. I am over the moon with optimism about my future now. I know it can work for both my employer and me which is a win/win.
Dixie made me feel comfortable from the very first session and has a professional and friendly attitude that makes me feel safe. I look forward to more sessions with Dixie, many more insights and healing as I progress through Reiki and CranioSacral sessions with Dixie.
~ Verness J. Calgary
I had my first CranioSacral session with Dixie and was amazed at the Immediate feeling of relief from pain, deep relaxation and well being I felt and continue to feel. The treatment and Dixie’s ability to administer it are really quite remarkable! You have to experience it for yourself! I have whiplash from a recent car accident and a stress fracture below my right knee which was mis-diagnosed for over 18 months and received treatment from chiro, physio, massage and acupuncture but this one CranioSacral session has given me the most relief from pain to date. I am looking forward to the next session! So happy to have met you Dixie, Thank you!
~ Joanne D. Calgary
Immediate feeling of relief from pain, deep relaxation and well being.
I feel like a completely different person.
From when I met you about eight weeks ago to where I am today I feel like a completely different person. You have helped me unleash such wonderful power within myself and helped me realize the internal healing power that I do have. I have become a manifesting machine because of the help you’ve given me.
~ Paul H. Calgary
Dixie Bennett is one of the most important people on the ‘team’ of experts who helps me cope with Parkinson’s Disease and a variety of other ailments I’ve accumulated in 60 years on this planet. She truly has the healing touch and cares for each of her clients needs through gentle therapies that are not invasive. In my case, she has employed a regime of Bowen Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy to relax and reduce fatigue and improve my energy levels. I’ve been in her care for about a year and always note an improvement in my well-being after a session. She is a also a proponent of the holistic approach to health and is knowledgeable and committed to growing as a caring professional. It’s been no surprise to me that Stillpoint has quickly succeeded and continues to grow as more people learn about Dixie’s ability to help them to live happier, healthier lives. I’m also pleased to count her as a friend.
~ David P. Calgary
Dixie Bennett is one of the most important people on the ‘team’ of experts who helps me cope with Parkinson’s Disease.
I was refreshed, energized and virtually pain free.
In June I met Dixie Bennett at a health fair that was put on by our company. I had never heard of Bowen before and she took the time to explain it to me and give me a brief demonstration. I had reoccurring pain in one foot and in the forearm and fingers of one hand. Dixie thought she could help me. Intrigued, I booked my first appointment. Even though I had read up on it wasn’t quite what I expected. However, as the session went on I began to understand (with Dixie’s help) what she was doing. At the end of my session I was amazed. I was refreshed, energized and virtually pain free. I left the session, drove home and then went for a pain free 2 mile walk!
At one of my sessions, while Dixie and I were chatting I mentioned that I had been working with a personal trainer 2 days per week for some months now as well as doing 2 mile walks every other day and had a healthy diet. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t losing weight. Dixie mentioned that she noticed I had quite a bit of inflammation in my body and suggested I consult with Dr. Aliya Kabani, a Naturopath at Soma Spa.
I booked an appointment with Dr. Kabani, she commented on the amount of inflammation in my body as well. She tested me for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and suggested some supplements I should take. She also put me on an anti-inflammatory eating plan. I was amazed!! I lost 5 pounds the first week. My cankles were gone!! I suddenly had ankle bones again!! I looked in the mirror and noticed that the puffiness in my face was gone as well which resulted in my wrinkles not being so prominent and noticeable (I like to think it made me look younger). A side benefit of the reduction in my inflammation was that it made my Bowen treatments more effective as well.
As a result of working with Dixie Bennett and Dr. Kabani, I feel better, look better, have more energy, my clothes are more comfortable (and now some are way too big), sleep better and count my blessings that I encountered my Dynamic Duo!!
~Mary Lynn F. Calgary
It was a great pleasure to received CranioSacral therapy, Bowen therapy and Usui Reiki from Dixie. I had experienced a massive concussion from snowboarding in the mountains. My entire left side of my body was experiencing pain and discomfort including my head. After 8 – 1hr sessions I underwent a series of CranioSacral therapy, Bowen therapy and Usui Reiki to re-align the balance within my body. After each session I could feel the surge of energy being released from within my muscles and mind. I truely believe that if I had not received these treatments, in time after the accident, then I would still be experiencing extreme pain and discomfort. I would highly recommend Dixie to sort out any stress, pain and/or discomfort you’re experiencing within your body.
~ Sheldon B. Carstairs
I would highly recommend Dixie to sort out any stress, pain and/or discomfort you’re experiencing within your body.
I knew that my body need a gentler approach towards healing.
I met Dixie through a good friend of mine, and being in the alternative health care field myself, I was intrigued with the services Dixie provided. I have been suffering with hip bursitis for over a year and I knew that my body need a gentler approach towards healing. As many people who hear of Bowen Therapy, I did not understand the techniques of this therapy, but after reading some material Dixie provided me with, I thought that she may be able to help me.
During our first session Dixie explained every step she was taking with me to gain my trust and allowing me to connect with my body and the stress that it was holding, hours later I felt the effect of amazing relaxation, less inflammation and increase mobility throughout my hip. With the exercise tips Dixie gave me I continue to use her expertise advice and services.
I highly recommend this gentle approach towards a pain free life.
~ Veronica V. Calgary
Dixie is very passionate about her career. I have personally used her services and it’s wonderful. I suggest everyone should be using her expertise.
~ Al W. Okotoks
I suggest everyone should be using her expertise.
With only 3 treatments that annoying pain was released.
I recommend Dixie as a trusted and gifted professional, in the relief of pain and stress. I had circulation issues and pain in my toes and with only 3 treatments that annoying pain was released. Thank you Dixie of Stillpoint Bodyworks!
~ Kathy B. Carstairs
A wonderful, personable woman who is truly interested helping to find health and happiness for her clients.
~ Rachel C. Calgary
Truly interested helping.
Thanks to her many are helped every day.
Dixie is very experienced and trusted in her field, a very caring person. I have referred her several times with great positive feed back from my clients. Thanks to her many are helped every day.
~ Gloria A. Calgary
I had a dental implant installed which included the following process: sinus lift, bone graft, and installing implant. The dentist had indicated that I would experience extreme swelling, and possible infection. Directly after my surgery Dixie performed Reiki across my face. I felt a burning and tingling sensation across my face during the process. I also felt extremely relaxed during the treatment. I didn’t experience any swelling from the surgery, or infection. During my check-up my dentist was extremely impressed with the healing process.
A couple months after my surgery I had CranioSacral mouth work treatment preformed. During the treatment it felt like there was a liquid draining from my face, and I felt slight side effects of the freezing treatment used during my surgery. The treatment was one of the coolest feelings I have experienced.
~ Angela C. Calgary
The treatment was one of the coolest feelings I have experienced.
I do not hesitate in recommending her to others.
Dixie is an amazing woman! A caring, intuitive and talent therapist, I have first hand experience of her healing talents and cannot say enough good things about her. I do not hesitate in recommending her to others.
~ Sue M. Calgary
I have had the pleasure of working with Dixie for a few months now and her work is unsurpassed in both its effectiveness and her gentle touch. Before I came to see Dixie I had intestinal issues and was often reluctant to eat or unable to wear some of my clothing. After having a few Bowen and CranioSacral treatments with Dixie, my digestion settled down and I feel fabulous. I appreciated her work so much that my daughter has also become a client since her recent knee surgery. Do yourself a favour; if there is something you need to work on, let Dixie be your guide.
~ Dana T. Calgary
Do yourself a favour; if there is something you need to work on, let Dixie be your guide.
A unique, special and effective healing experience.
I have to admit to being quite skeptical of both the CranioSacral and Bowen Therapy work, but I was desperate and you were close by. Not a great way to start but I was in so much pain – it felt like I had a pinched nerve in my neck and it was difficult to move or turn my head without a great deal of pain. It was Christmas, my busiest and craziest time of year, and I just had no time to deal with this pain – but I knew I had to.
In only a few sessions – 3 I think – the pain was gone and really has never returned. What would have taken months in a more traditional approach took just a few hours with you. Amazing. I am a true believer now and can’t thank you enough.
You professionalism and passion for your craft are very evident in your approach to your clients and I would certainly recommend your services to anyone interested in a unique, special and effective healing experience.
~ Barbara F. Calgary