Reiki services for a new, fresher, better you
The ancient art of Reiki has been practiced for centuries in many cultures and is a commonly used treatment in Japan. The Reiki system helps you heal by putting the body and mind into a deeply relaxed state, promoting healing from within. The technique reduces stress and tension, allowing you to regain balance in the mind, body and spirit, and effectively reduce or eliminate chronic pain or discomfort.

Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for tension and stress reduction, and can help support the body to facilitate healing on all levels of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each one of us has our own energy system. Life energy is the essential and most basic element of the human energy system. We suffer when we don’t have enough energy to carry our life functions or when we are out of balance. The effect of receiving a Reiki energy healing treatment is that our supply of life energy is increased and we return to balance. In this state of balance and renewed energy we can heal.
There are seven major energy centers in our body called chakras (chock-rah) meaning wheel of energy. Energy flows in and out of the chakra. If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. The individual may feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. Not only will physical bodily functions be affected so dis-ease can manifest, but the thought processes and the mind may also be affected. A negative attitude, fear or doubt,. may preoccupy the individual.

is located just behind the top of the skull with the colours white and purple. It’s the centre of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy.
is located above the physical eyes on the centre of the forehead with the colours purple and dark blue. Sixth chakra body parts include the eyes, face, and brain, lymphatic and endocrine system. This is the centre for psychic ability, higher intuition, the energies of spirit and light.
is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower neck with the colour light blue. Body parts for the fifth chakra are throat, neck, teeth, ears, and thyroid gland. This is the centre of communication, sound, and expression of creativity via thought, speech, and writing.
is located behind the breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back with the colours pink and green. Body parts for the fourth chakra include heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back. This centre directs your ability to love yourself and others and to give and receive love. This is also the chakra connecting body and mind with spirit.
is located two inches below the breastbone in the centre behind the stomach with the colour yellow. The body parts include the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine. This centre holds personal power, the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength.
is located two inches below the navel, is rooted in the spine with the colour orange. Belly body parts include sexual organs (women), kidneys, bladder, and large intestine. This centre holds the basic needs for sexuality, creativity, intuition, and self-worth.
is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the colour of red. Root body parts include the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs (men). This centre holds the basic needs for survival, security and safety.
What does it feel like?
As you’re reading this, put your hands together in front of you palm to palm. Start to rub them together until your palms feel warm, then relax your wrists and shake your hands.
Put your hands together, then open them about one- inch apart, then slowly separate your hands further and further. Feel the energy emanating from your palms. What does it feel like? For some, it may feel warm and tingly, or cool. As you feel the energy, explore it. Feel the different sensations as you move your hands up and down, side to side and around in circles.
The word reiki (ray-kee) is made of two Japanese words – rei which meansGod’s wisdom or the higher power and ki which is life force energy. Reiki is actually spiritually guided life force energy and is the life force that animates us. Chinese call it qi or chi and Indians call it prana. Reiki is a whole-body therapy that provides deep relaxation which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities. It is very gentle and safe to use on everyone at any stage in life, from the newborn to the elderly and/or chronically ill.
Gentle and Safe
If you’re ready to stop the pain and get on with your life, we invite you to take advantage of our Complimentary 15 Minute Health Consultation.
The only thing you have to lose is the pain!

Can't Come to Us?
Wherever you are in the world, Reiki Distance Healing is available. Find out how this treatment works with no boundaries, effortlessly moving through time and space to help you align and clear on all levels, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Stop allowing chronic pain, discomfort or stress to take hold of your life and dictate what you can and cannot do. Book a Reiki Calgary treatment today, and find healing and an end to your daily suffering.