In my last blog, I started looking at how trauma and stress can show up physically in the body and how it relates to our nervous system, specifically our Autonomic Nervous System, or ANS. Our ANS branches into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems and it is the SNS, known as our ‘flight or fight’, […]
Stillpoint Bodyworks is a Transformational Treatment Center.

Struggling with Stress or Chronic Pain?
Overcome the
that block the path to your best, truest self
Don’t Lose Another Day. Take Your Life Back.
Book your
We offer new clients a 15 min consultation over the phone. You can meet with an experienced Healing Practitioner who will customize your treatment plan, provide guided support, and ensure all your questions are answered.
Specialized services designed to help individuals suffering from:
- Emotional Difficulties
- Anxiety + Stress
- Depression
- Fertility Challenges
- Menstruation Challenges
- Endometriosis, PCOS
- Menopause
- Concussion
- Body Tensions
- Headaches & Migraines
- Neck & Shoulder Issues
- Digestive Disorders
- Relationship + Intimacy Issues
- Life + Business Direction
- Spiritual Development
- Abundance Attraction
Welcome to Stillpoint Bodyworks
In today’s busy world, we forget to take a minute to breathe, just breath . . . take a deep breath and exhale, look around you and within you, notice how you are feeling. Notice your tension, your stiffness, your pain. Where did that come from and when did it get there? Sometimes we forget that there is life without pain, we just allow it to settle in. We are so busy taking care of everyday tasks and everyone else’s needs, we forget to take time for ourselves.
Welcome to Stillpoint Bodyworks where we specialize in the relief of pain and stress. We achieve this by facilitating the healing process from the inside out using gentle, non-invasive, yet highly effective treatments that is safe for all ages, from newborns to the elderly and every stage in between.
At Stillpoint Bodyworks, we provide a safe environment where you can relax from your day to day stress, allowing your body to restore. You will leave feeling rejuvenated with a new sense of well being!
“Dixie BennettPain is your teacher. Acknowledging, observing and loving it will set you free.
Each and every one of you has a story that started the day you were born. Each experience of love, hurt, bullying, success, failure, loss, joy, frustration is all unique to you. However, through all these experiences sometimes deep wounds have occurred, emotional wounds to the soul. Many of you have not been taught how …
Trauma’s Relationship with the Physical Body
I recently took part in a workshop exploring Trauma Informed Yoga and spent a few days learning how to look at trauma from a Yogic perspective to support a person’s experience and healing journey. Learning about how to use the body as a tool, whether through movement or grounding, to assist in helping someone who […]
The Tween Years: Supporting Emotional and Physical Stress that Comes with School Transitions
The Tween Years: Supporting Emotional and Physical Stress that Comes with School Transitions It’s now already June and for kids that means that another school year will be coming to an end in a few weeks. As someone who also teaches, I can see that students are gearing for summer, especially with the amazing weather […]

Dixie Bennett
Masterful Global Healer of Healers & LeadersWe are passionate about working with individuals, who are struggling with chronic pain. I help them release their chains of pain, find relief and wake-up to the amazing life that is waiting for them. I believe that by working collectively with other supporting practitioners we can come together for the greater good of humanity. Are you ready to let go of your pain and make a shift in your life?