The Abundance Mindset

abundance mindset

Abundance is a word I use a lot; both in my personal and professional practice. To me, an Abundance Mindset epitomizes the availability of potential provided to us at every moment. The potential to trust. The potential to love. The potential to find peace. The potential to find success. The potential to heal. Before I […]

Why Do We Retreat?


A few years ago I found my-self at a rather large turning point in my life. I had left my corporate career and jumped into my healing practice full-time, and I was surprised by the roller coaster of emotions that stirred up for me. I had to find my way in a completely new land […]

Chakra Balancing for Cash Flow

Body Wisdom for Business Growth

Are you craving a change in your financial situation while, at the same time, feeling so unsure of how to even begin moving toward financial health and abundance? Despite our world’s obsession with money, very few people think of their finances in terms of “health.” We understand how to get healthier when it comes to […]